The Saint Paul Jaycees are heading to New Ulm for Bockfest, and you can ride along. Bockfest is an outdoor festival which celebrates Schells Brewery and their Special Fest bock beer. There is a fire, food, and many other beer-lovers. The Happy Gnome has partnered with the Saint Paul Jaycees to sell tickets and provide breakfast. Your ticket includes a round trip bus ride to New Ulm departing from The Happy Gnome, entrance to the Bockfest on the Schell’s Brewery grounds (YOU MUST BRING YOUR ID!), some Schell’s beer to drink during the ride, prizes, trivia, and entertainment You will need to arrive at The Happy Gnome at 7:30 am for breakfast with the bus leaving promptly at 8:30 am. You will return to the Gnome around 6 pm (leaving New Ulm at 4 pm). Tickets are $60 for a day of fun.
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