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Belgian Independence Day Celebration

July 23, 2011 11:00 AM
July 24, 2011 1:00 AM
The Happy Gnome
Google Map
498 Selby Ave, Saint Paul, United States, 55102

How else do you celebrate anything besides drinking beer? And celebrating something Belgian, well, drink Belgian Beer!
Do most of us even know any history of Belgium…But we can drink beer!
(FYI On July 21, 1831 the first king of Belgium was crowned following the Belgian Revolution and the country’s split from The Netherlands.)
So that was the history lesson, and the beer lesson features Maredsous Blonde, Ommegang Belgian Pale Ale, Liefmans Fruitesse, Duvel, Ommegang Three Philosopherss & Ommegang Belgian Independce Day Saison!

And from 2-4, the waffle cart will show up to make Belgian waffles.

So come one, come all, and celebrate!

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