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Surly Beer Dinner

February 15, 2011 6:00 PM
February 15, 2011 10:00 PM

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85.00 USD
The Happy Gnome
Google Map
498 Selby Ave, Saint Paul, United States, 55102

Well, our friends at Surly will journey across the river to Saint Paul for an evening at the Gnome, enjoying a five course dinner paired with their beer. February 15 starting at 6pm.
To celebrate Surly’s 5 year Anniversary, we will have a Surly Happy Hour starting at 4 pm, and every Surly you purchase enters you in a drawing for 2 tickets to the Surly Beer Dinner that evening (perhaps this isn’t the best idea to have you drink and get Surly before the dinner, but, hey, you’re an adult.)

So either purchase your ticket for Surly or take your chances that night.

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